This post is long overdue. It's been a hectic start of a summer.
We finally finished with the paintjob the first week of May'08.THANK YOU for all the FBDesigners at UVa and all the volunteers.
The paintjob project was suppose to last no more than a month. It ended up taking the entire semester. Mary and Gladys' house is a lot taller than we anticipated.
It's finally done and it came out great.

It would have been nice to leave all the colors in. But that would be against the housing codes in that area. It looks nice in the pale yellow that Andrew and Ryan picked out.

Everyone worked very hard and Gladys looked on.

Stephanie and Carmen measuring the slopes around Mary and Gladys' house the good old fashioned way - with a rock on a string.

Ryan taking the measurements down.
Once again, thank you to everyone who has participated in this process. Our first project ("Project Paintjob") took a lot longer than anticipated but it came out great and it's a lot better of a paintjob than this house has ever had.
Thank you to Sherwin Williams in Charlottesville for donaitng much of the painting materials. And Thank you to the Order of the Pantheon for donating money for our project. And THANK YOU for everyone in the School of Architecture at UVa for showing your support!
Our next project will be a multi-use ramp design. We're looking forward to it and we hope to get more support from all of you as well.